About Talia Sheffer
Talia was born in 1970; she is married to Doron and the mother of four kids. Talia graduated from Tel Aviv University where she studied Jewish Philosophy and Special Education; she also graduated from Ilma College where she studied Natural Health Sciences.
Today, Talia is a Natural Health Consultant and a health and nutrition writer in Pnima magazine and a speaker. She also and co-presents individual and group natural health workshops with Doron.
In 2012, Talia and Doron founded Hyuli, a natural health center.
In 2023 - together with Doron, Talia founded "From Grief to Growth" - an guided healing project for the victims of 7/10 and the war.
One on One with Talia
Natural health consultancy
In a one-on-one session, we look at the areas in which change is required to maintain a proper physical health or heal a disease. This may include nutritional changes, physical exercises, water treatments and emotional-mental work. At the end of each session, Talia provides guidelines and recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Guided Imagery
Resolving conflicts, indecisions or emotional imbalance. The goal of guided imagery is to use the imagination as a tool to change our concepts and beliefs, which allows us to act without the limitations that result from the way we perceive ourselves.
Talks with Talia
How to maintain health
Talia talks about the natural health principals as a way of life. During the talks, Talia outlines the foundations of healthy nutrition, describes the connection between the emotional and physical health and provides tools to maintaining body-mind wellness.
Mental strength in change processes
change requires us to muster mental strength. Some changes are easier and involve joy, while others are challenging and involve difficulties, sadness, anger or frustration. In this talk, Talia outlines the mental factors that hinder our progress and those that could help bring about change.