From Grief to Growth
A guided healing project for those
affected by the October 7th attacke and the war
Due to the essential and growing need for finding various ways for healing and rehabilitation, we started the guided healing project for groups and individuals—“From Grief to Growth”.
The Retreat aims to give a protective and inclusive space for all participants, to provide tools to help process the trauma, to plant seeds of hope and help build ways to productively handle the new reality in a way that will promote rejuvenation and recovery.
Throughout the retreat, we will learn natural and accessible ways to create balance and to further strengthen the spiritual mindset,we will get to know various tools to handle the new reality around us, to find the strength to rise stronger from the crisis, to function at full potential once again, and most importantly, to choose life.
The duration of the retreat is 4 days (Monday to Thursday)
It is limited to 12 participants
And takes place in Moshav Amirim, "Hyuli" Compound
It includes: boarding, meals, physical activity, lessons and practical workshops
The project is guided by psychotherapist Sharon Glustein, who specializes in individual and group trauma therapy, and by Dr. Leon Kalman, MD, a psychiatrist who works in hospital and manages clinics at Maccabi Natural Health Center.
The retreat is meant for those who were affected by the terrorist attacks in the southern part of the country, to those who were at the Nova Festival, family members of those affected, soldiers, first responders, the hostages and their families and bereaved families.
The retreats are held in collaboration with "One Family", an association that accompanies and supports bereaved families and victims of terrorism for more than 23 years.
The project includes daily workshops and one-on-one, personal aid given to participants throughout the following year
The retreat is subsidized for the participants through outside donations
For donations:
(Safe and tax-deductible)
In the payment form, please mark the donation: ”From Grief to Growth"
Donation via bank transfer by
"Emek Hefer for Development fund"
Beneficiary: Emek Hafer Development Fund
Bank: International (31)
Branch: Kiryat Hasharon (24)
Account number: 287585
Indicate in the performance notes ("From Grief to Growth") and send a reference to the email:

(NOVA Survivor)
Dearest and most beloved Doron Sheffer and Sheffer family. First, I’d like to tell you that, on a personal level—and I do mean personal—I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you and Talia are. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you, too, for everything from “Hayuli” and the compound as a whole. Thank you for the way you opened your hearts and let us all in. Actions and words will forever fall short… but, we simply love you. And love you. And love you.
In some way—in a divine way—you know how to love and give and connect to other people. Your kindness is natural. So, may God give you kindness in return tenfold, and more-so for your inner spirituality. Every person who was at that party knows well how little outward looks matter…
I’ll be happy to donate and give back…
And, God willing, may we be able to grow from this soon, and only for the better.

(A bereaved sister)
Dear donors!!!
As a bereaved sister, I would like to share with you, that I experienced a few days of peace of mind.
In the short time I was here I was able to take tools for the journey, I learned to take care of myself, to be attentive to myself and to nature, to let it heal me.
Thank you for the opportunity and the possibility of days of peace and well-being...
It's just amazing how you get in here, and how you get out...I'm really looking forward to coming again...
It's good to know that there are good people in the world who want to do helped us a lot!!!
And a big thank you to Doron, Talia, Sharon and one family for all the kindness, companionship, care and giving

(A bereaved Brother)
Dear and beloved donors!!!
I'm not sure how much you know what you're doing... your donations that make these workshops possible, simply save our lives!!! Because being a bereaved brother is a daily feeling of a living dead person.... The workshops and treatments you allow us, are drops of light in such a difficult and dark time that really give us hope for life and hope for rehabilitation.
Our families right now are just torn apart and your donations strengthen us and let us also strengthen our families.
Without the workshops and treatments, I don't know where I would be today.
Thank you very much!!!

(NOVA Survivor)
Dear and beloved Doron and Talia
I wanted to tell you thank you again for the hospitality and inclusivity, for everything I learned from you—and it was much. I had a great time and it was a privilege to get to know you both and be so inspired by you. You’re unique and special. I'm going to miss you.

(NOVA Survivor)
Dear Doron and Talia
A massive thank you
Thank you for a week filled with new experiences
Thank you for a week of being able to disconnect from all that was bad only to return stronger
Thank you for the privilege of reaching faith through joy
Thank you for the amazing, delicious food (meat, by the way, wasn’t missed at all). Everything was fantastic.
Thank you for the pool
Thank you for your smiles throughout the whole day
Thank you for the healing
Thank you for the embrace and the pure connection
Even if there were parts of the workshop that worked less well for me, this week still taught me many different things
One thing, however, it really brought home:
And that’s to always look inwards
If there is something that is causing me to feel uncomfortable, then I first need to identify that the discomfort is coming from me,
Then act
Always look inward
Thank you for the insights about life and faith and spirituality and nature
I appreciate and love you all
It’s incredible that no matter how many times I say thank you, it will still fall short from everything I went through with you
Thank you