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About Doron Sheffer

I was born in 1972, married to Taliah, father of five and living with my family in Moshav Amirim in the Galilee, Israel.

Since 1988, basketball has been an inseparable part of my life. During my professional basketball years, I was a prominent player and reached exceptional achievements with various teams: The University of Connecticut, Maccabi Tel Aviv, Hapoel Yerushalaim, Hapoel Galil Elyon and the Israeli National team.

In 2002, following my diagnosis with cancer, I thoroughly changed my way of life on many levels.

Today, I give talks and workshops that appeal to a wide range of audiences of all ages, in which I tell my life story.

דורון שפר היה אמור להיות אחד מגדולי הכדורסלנים בתולדות ישראל ואולי, אפילו, בתולדות אירופה. אבל אז הרבה מאוד דברים השתבשו, בזה אחרי זה, חלקם תוצאה של התערבות כוח עליון וחלקם תעלולים שעוללו השדים שמשתוללים במשך שנים בנפשו של שפר.


חי בחלום של אחרים
דורון שפר גילה בקולג' שהוא לא נופל מהמתחרים על מקום ב-NBA  ורדף אחר ההזדמנות. משידור הדראפט שריתק מדינה שלמה, דרך האימונים בקליפרס ועד הרגע בו החליט לשוב לארץ בלי להביט לאחור.


שפר: "כל מה שאני צריך זה כדור וסל"
אובדן הזהות הישראלית במכבי ת"א, המשבר של בלאט, הקנאה בקטש, ההשראה ממייקל ג'ורדן וההחלטה לחזור לשחק כמה דקות בליגה ב': "זו הייתה חוויה חיובית, שהשאירה טעם של עוד". דורון שפר מתגעגע לכדורסל.




In his personal talks Doron shares his life story and touches on issues of body-mind wellbeing, ethics, facing crises, taking responsibility and creating change. Doron demonstrates the connection between body and mind, basketball and the world of the Torah.

In his personal talks Doron shares his life story and touches on issues of body-mind wellbeing, ethics, facing crises, taking responsibility and creating change. Doron demonstrates the connection between body and mind, basketball and the world of the Torah.


In his personal talks Doron shares his life story and touches on issues of body-mind wellbeing, ethics, facing crises, taking responsibility and creating change. Doron demonstrates the connection between body and mind, basketball and the world of the Torah.

One on One


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In a unique glimpse into the world of professional basketball, former NBA-draft pick and all-around mensch Doron Sheffer regales readers with the experiences on and off the court that changed, influenced, and molded him into the man he is today.

Drawing on his years leading prominent teams to unprecedented achievements, Sheffer’s memories range from transformative to moving to downright hilarious. While some revolve around tense, tie-breaking moments, others might star inspiring players like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, teammates such as Ray Allen, coach Jim Calhoun, and many more.

For more information, and purchase option: click here

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Anani – An Autobiography

“Nothing in my tumultuous life prepared me for this special moment – a moment of silence and pure clarity, a moment steeped with wonder, “where will my help come from?” Where will the first sentence in my first book come from?”

This is how Doron Sheffer begins his life story, a personal and painfully honest story filled with ups and downs. Doron’s talent made him a gifted basketball player and raised him to the heights of fame and success. 

The Game of Life – Doron Sheffer


In his second book, The Game of Life, Doron Sheffer demonstrates the connection between body and mind; the physical and spiritual worlds; the basketball game and the world of the Torah; and past, present and future. On one court biblical Moses, Joseph the righteous and King David play with Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.

In his own unique manner, Doron uses the basketball game as an allegory for life and utilizes it as an educational and therapeutic tool that can help us win a much greater, more significant game than the one played on the basketball courts – a game he refers to as The Game of Life.


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